We want to thank Officer Rocha for being of great service at Perez Elementary! We wish you the best in your future endeavors and remind you...once a Pioneer, always a Pioneer! #PerezIsFamily #PioneerPride #MISD #PerezElementary
almost 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Officer Rocha
Officer D. Rocha
Hands that turn being caring into action. Touch that turns compassion into comfort. Smiles that turn love into healing. Our Pioneer community loves our Nurses! Thank you Nurse Monday and Nurse Nava for always caring for our Pioneers. #NursesWeek #PerezIsFamily #WeLoveOurNurses
almost 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Nurse's Day
Shout out to Morris Principal Mr. Garza for encouraging and inspiring our Perez Pioneers and staff! All our future Morris Stallions are ready for STAAR!!! #pioneerpride @stallions045 #readyforSTAAR
almost 3 years ago, Sharon De Groot
Morris Principal Mr. Garza inspiring our Perez Pioneers
Morris Principal Mr. Garza inspiring our Perez Pioneers
Thank you to the McHi cheer squad for cheering on our awesome Perez Pioneers! Fabulous job! We are ready for STAAR!! #pioneerpride @mchicheer
almost 3 years ago, Sharon De Groot
McHi cheer squad cheering on our Perez Pioneers
McHi cheer squad cheering on our Perez Pioneers
Happy Monday Pioneer Nation!!! This week we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week at Perez! We are THANKFUL for our wonderful teachers! Help us celebrate them this week by letting our teachers know how much we appreciate them. Thank you PTO for organizing this wonderful week!
almost 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Teacher Appreciation Week 22
Pioneer Family, We are excited to share that we will be having a beautification day at our school. We are aiming to restore missing plants and add mulch to our gardens. Join us on Saturday, April 21, 2022 from 7AM-12PM.
almost 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Beautification Day
The date for this performance and meeting has changed. Please join us at Perez on April 19th instead! La fecha de esta presentaciĆ³n y reuniĆ³n ha cambiado. Ā”ƚnase a nosotros en PĆ©rez el 19 de abril!
almost 3 years ago, Raquel Rosales
1st Grade Music
March is Music In Our School Month! Pioneers have been learning/appreciating music with Mrs. Villarreal and she has prepared an exciting week around different music themes. Please refer to the attached flyer for the weekly activities that will take place the week of March 21st.
about 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Music in our School Month
Dr. Pablo Perez Elementary would like to wish Mrs. Nayeli Hack a very special Social Workers week and month! Thank you for all that you do for our students and community Mrs. Hack, you make a world of a difference! #PerezIsFamily #PioneerPride
about 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Social Worker Hack
PARENTS! Make time this Wednesday to listen in on this special presentation by intervention counselor Melissa Mendoza. She will discuss differences in parenting styles and provide useful tips to help you adjust your style to your child's needs.
about 3 years ago, Raquel Rosales
Parenting Styles
We are having a great day at Pioneer nation! Our Pioneers are having fun learning about different professions and career options. We want to thank our AMAZING presenters for their preparation and participation in presenting to our students. We are grateful to our community!
about 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Career Day
Wishing our very own Mara Wenzel a happy diagnostician's week! We appreciate all that you do for our students, teachers and community. Thank you for always going the extra mile!
about 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Pioneers, get ready to celebrate Read Across America next week! We are excited to dive into literature as we explore different authors and genres! Please refer to the attached flyer for the weekly activities! #PioneersRead #ReadAcrossAmerica #ReadAcrossPerez
about 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Read Across America
Parents & family, mark your calendar and meet us in the Perez Elementary Gym next Tuesday February 15th for this special parent & family meeting!
about 3 years ago, Raquel Rosales
Report Card Meeting Notice
We would like to recognized our school counselors this week as we kick off National School Counseling Week! Thank you for all you do for our students, families, & school communities!
about 3 years ago, McAllen ISD
national school counseling week
Perez Parents & Family join Ms. Rosales tomorrow for this fun craft class at the Navarro Parent Center!
about 3 years ago, Raquel Rosales
Valentine Craft Class
Congratulations once again to our 2021-2022 Spelling Bee winner Alec Garza and alternate Ayla Balci! Today they were recognized and awarded with their trophies during morning assembly. We are proud of our Pioneers and wish you luck as you prepare to represent Perez at district!
about 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Spelling Bee
Happy Friday Pioneer nation! Proud to share that Dr. Pablo Perez Elementary was awarded with the McAllen ISD Edgies award for the 3rd Six Weeks! #PerezStrong #PerezElementary #PerezIsFamily #CongratsPioneers
about 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Calling all Pioneers to get into the holiday spirit! We will be having six days of caroling starting on Friday, December 10th. Please refer to the flyer for all the details! We can't wait to see our wonderful Pioneers get festive!
over 3 years ago, Gabriela Zuniga
Six Days of Caroling
JOIN US FRIDAY MORNING DECEMBER 3RD AT SCHOOL OR ONLINE for coffee with your Principal! Check your text messages for the link to join.
over 3 years ago, Raquel Rosales
Coffee with the Principal